Discover aviation Event -YPK -- June 18th, 2023

Looking for Volunteers and Pilots
COPA Discover Aviation
Perhaps the single most exciting thing you can do for a child is to introduce them to a mind-altering experience, full of joy and wonderment. What better way to accomplish this than to be a part of the next COPA Discover Aviation Flight Time engineered by the ACBC and Mr. Horst Romani's detailed program designed to make this undertaking rewarding for both Pilot and "co Pilot"
This coming June 18th 2023, on the Sunday, you have an opportunity to be a part of a program sanctioned
by COPA Discover Aviation and sponsored by your Aeroclub of BC here at YPK. Take a kid flying and change both of your lives by engaging in an Aviation endeavour full of fun and personal reward.
Usually, we have the support of the General Aviation Community at YPK and members who are Aircraft Owners, who graciously chip in to cover the numbers, which at last count were pushing 150 "student pilots".
Looking forward to another spectacular event with your assistance and skills leading the way.
Please feel free to contact Horst Romani details 604-537-2248 or Should you have any questions

For more information open the link below:

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