CMFT Tech Talk

TECHTALK: Fleet Finch and Fleet Canuck. On Saturday, June 27th, Canadian Museum of Flight is presenting the fourth in its series of informal technical talks on aircraft in its fleet. This 3-hour session on the Fleet Finch and Fleet Canuck will cover several topics including the history of the company; the history of the aircraft type; aircraft development, production methods and locations; and the history of the engine and its development. Also covered will be the challenges in maintaining and flying these classic aircraft in today’s environment; how the mechanics find parts for airframe and engines; and how the pilots keep current on flying these 70+ year old vintage aircraft.

The talk will be followed by details of how the aircraft is prepared for flight and how the engine is started. During the proceedings, a draw will be conducted entitling the lucky winner to a flight in the Museum’s 1940 Fleet Finch.

A handout booklet for the Fleet talk will be included and light refreshments will be available. Cost for TECHTALK is $35 for general admission and $25 for Museum members and Cadets. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. and the session begins at 9:00 a.m. Seating is limited so reserve now! Please refer to the attached poster for more information or checkout the info at . Thanks and we hope to see you at TECHTALK IV.

Event Date: 

2015-06-27 08:30 to 12:30

File Attachment: