VFR Airspace Congestion Survey

A survey is being conducted of VFR pilots in the Lower Mainland. Specifically, input is requested from GA Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Student Pilots (Recreational, Private, and Commercial students). The purpose is to obtain more information about the nature and frequency of collision risk, as perceived and experienced by those conducting VFR flights, primarily below the Class C Vancouver TCA. All pilots are invited to participate.

The survey grew out of a recent meeting with NavCanada, where a VFR Working Group was created to discuss concerns over congestion in the Lower Mainland.

The survey also seeks opinion on possible strategies and tools for dealing with the risks.

The results are published live as well, for all interested (linked below).

For more information, contact cfilfs@gmail.com.

Survey Links:

Flight Instructors
Student Pilots
GA Pilots

Survey Results:

Flight Instructors
Student Pilots
GA Pilots
